Preaching under B.S. Goswami Maharaj


Preaching under B.S. Goswami Maharaj

(Extracted from ‘Gaudiya’, 16th volume / 2nd issue, page No.- 31 / 1937)

Harey Krishna, Harey Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Harey Harey,
Harey Rama, Harey Rama, Rama Rama, Harey Harey.

The nomenclature of the Absolute has been put in this rhyme as Krishna. Krishna literally means That Most Beautiful Personality Who attracts all and gives joy. The Form of Krishna is His in- conceivable simultaneous personal and impersonal self-contradictory Form. True devotees only see that Form in their purified hearts under the influence of devotional trance. Rama is His other Name conveying the idea of His perpetually engaged in His Transcendental revels with His excellent servitors led by His Consort Hară (Radha). These three Holy Words, viz, (1) Harey (the case of addres form of Hara), (a) Krishna, and (3) Rama, have been repeated over and over again addressing the Divine Couple in a systematic order which is realized by the pure devotees when by the grace of the Name, they see the Lord in their heart of hearts with the eye of devotion tinged with the salve of Divine Love, the seed of which is implanted in the soul through these Holy Words by the Guru (Absolute-realized soul authorized to act as Divine Intermediary) The seed of devotion that is implanted in the soul by the mercy of the Guru and the Supreme Lord, if properly watered by the hearing and chanting these Holy Words sprouts forth into a tender creeper of devotion which by her progressive growth enables us to transcend the successive planes of (1) the mundane sphere or the sphere of active opposition to the Absolute, (2) Biroja” or the sphere of universal scepticism, and (3) “Brahmaloke,” or the sphere of dim reflection of transgendental knowledge till we come face to face to the Most Beautiful Personality of Krishna Who is identical With His Name, Form, Attributes, Activities and Entourage.

The Power of Hare Krishna Mahamantra

The above rhyme of Holy Words is the visualized symbol of the revealed Transcendental Sound originating from the holy lips of Krishna-The Primary Source of all transcendental authorities or means of obtaining Divine Knowledge. He is the eye, of eyes and the illuminator of sight and other sense organs. As the nave is the center of the spokes of a Wheel, so Krishna is the eternal core of all created beings including Brahma-the creator of this world who first heard the Holy Words and realized Their imports-the drops of truth forming the stream of the Divine Sound which flowed in disciplic order through the ears, hearts, and lips of Narad (Brahma’s disciple) and Vyas (Narad’s disciple) to the present Gurus-the reservoirs of pure drinking water to quench our spiritual thirst. Shrutee (Vedas) reveals herself through Guru-the Divine Transparent Agent-to sincere souls purified by the Transcendental Sound-the basis on which religion is built and the root out of which it grows.

This transcendental Sound reminds us of the Spiritual Kingdom of infinite dimension Brindaban where Krishna is perpetually engaged in His spiritual revels with His deserving servitors) whenceforth the most delicious, melodious, and rapturous stains of Krishna’s reed thrill the universe with joy chasing away phase after phase of relative realities and revealing the eternal reality of sweetness and love in the inmost heart of things.

These Holy Words are known as Mahamantra (greatest rhyme of Transcendental Sound) by which the sacrifice of the chanting of the Lord’s Name is to be performed. This Mahamantra is used in this iron age as Transcendental Escalator to go back to God and back to our eternal Home from this world of tribulations where we have been caged, having misused our free will at the outset and being now averse to the loving service of the Lord which is the proper function of all individual souls. This Escalator is also used for the descent of the Supreme Lord and His entourages out of compassion for fallen souls like us The Lord eternally manifests Himself in the form of the Name through the medium of His plenary servitors for the deliverance of fallen souls, as we have no access to the Spiritual World through our empiric knowledge. The religious function proper does not begin till a 1erson has reached the plane of positive spiritual realization of the service of the absolute through a systematic process of cumulative, strictly regulated endeavor on the right lines. The teleological reason for making such an endeavor is that it is on the plane of spiritual service of the One Absolute Person that the present jarring interests of conditioned humanity can have their universally acceptable solution.

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